Universal Audio Mods


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Price: $225$795

6 products

  • From: $424.00

    Apollo Twin X4 Mod

    All the elements of the new Apollo Twin X mod combine to greatly enrich the sound of both tracking and playback. The soundstage is presented with additional depth and instrument separation that can best be described as a 3 dimensional quality. Frequency response gets a major boost in linearity, resulting in improved perception of the frequency distribution in a mix. Highs become sweet and smooth, mids sound pleasantly natural and bass articulation shines through. [mod_booking]
    From: $424.00
    From: $424.00
  • From: $399.00

    Apollo Twin X Mod

    All the elements of the new Apollo Twin X mod combine to greatly enrich the sound of both tracking and playback. The soundstage is presented with additional depth and instrument separation that can best be described as a 3 dimensional quality. Frequency response gets a major boost in linearity, resulting in improved perception of the frequency distribution in a mix. Highs become sweet and smooth, mids sound pleasantly natural and bass articulation shines through. [mod_booking]
    From: $399.00
    From: $399.00
  • From: $500.00

    Universal Audio Apollo X Series Mods

    Universal Audio has met an important need amongst modern audio engineers with their Apollo line of audio interfaces – onboard plug-in processing! The NEW Apollo X Series modifications are much-awaited additions to the BLA family! Read below for details on how we can take your interface to the next level! [mod_booking]
    From: $500.00
    Rated 5.00 out of 5
    From: $500.00
  • From: $225.00

    Universal Audio Arrow Mod

    Universal Audio's Arrow is a sleek, little desktop interface with onboard plug-in processing! Upon opening it up, we were excited to see what we could do to it. Read below for details on how we can take your interface to the next level! [mod_booking]
    From: $225.00
    From: $225.00
  • From: $399.00

    Universal Audio Apollo Twin Mods


    Due to the unavailability of parts required for this mod, the mod does not currently include the optical out and the price has been adjusted accordingly.

    Universal Audio has met an important need amongst modern audio engineers with their Apollo line of audio interfaces – onboard plug-in processing! The Apollo Twin modification is a much-awaited addition to the BLA family! Read below for details on how we can take your interface to the next level! [mod_booking]
    From: $399.00
    Rated 5.00 out of 5
    From: $399.00
  • From: $795.00

    Universal Audio Apollo 8 & 16 Mods (Including FireWire models)

    Universal Audio has met an important need amongst modern audio engineers with their Apollo line of audio interfaces – onboard plug-in processing! The Apollo 8 (Silver), Apollo 8 (Black), Apollo 8P (Black), and Apollo 16 (Silver) are much-awaited additions to the BLA family! Read below for details on how we can take your interface to the next level! [mod_booking]
    From: $795.00
    From: $795.00